Saturday 18 April 2009

Doryanthes 1853

In the great Palm-house the plants keep progressing ; many of the tropical fruit-trees are becoming fine specimens now that they have plenty of pot and head room ; some of the Palms are getting very large and are at present in flower; one of the most interesting things in the house is the Doryanthes excelsa, a tall-growing Australian plant, with large flowers similar to an Amaryllis. This plant very rarely flowers in this country ; the stem rises from the centre of the leaves, similar to the American Aloe ; at Kew it has been fourteen feet high, there being on the apex a rather close head of bright rose-coloured flowers with green anthers, which give a lively pleasing contrast to the whole.

Royal Botanic gardens, Kew
J. Houlston

The florist, fruitist and garden miscellany

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